“Till Death Do You Part” on TV

23 November 2020

Broadcast on November 28th at 20h10 on SRF1 ! 

Also available online on Play Suisse or on YouTube.

What should have been the happiest day of their lives turns into a disaster. On October 12, 1944, 33 wedding guests are celebrating on Lake Lucerne when their boat collides with a transport barge. It’s a shipwreck and twenty people lose their lives. In the small village of Escholzmatt, 14 children become orphans.

Trailer here:



Till Death Do You Part

18 November 2020

Broadcast on November 28th at 20h10 on SRF1 ! 
or watch the film online on Play Suisse or on YouTube.

What should have been the happiest day of their lives turns into a disaster.
October 12, 1944: wedding guests are celebrating on Lake Lucerne when their boat collides with a transport barge. It’s a shipwreck and twenty people lose their lives. In the small village of Escholzmatt, 14 children become orphans.

This third episode of the SRF docu-fiction series “Es geschah am…” looks back on this tragic event and gives a voice to those who lived through the events – survivors, orphans or close family. The fictional part depicts the life of the couple before marriage, the shipwreck and the mourning work of the whole village to overcome this trauma.

Technical informations

Genre: Docudrama
Year of production: 2020
Length: 91 min
Shooting Format: HD
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Sound: Stereo
Language: Swiss German, German


GODI STUDER Dominique Müller

LISI STUDER Nina Limacher
ROSA STUDER Joya Huwyler
HERMANN STUDER (Kind) Kylian Gasser

PFARRER Franz Zemp
POLIZIST Ladislaus Löliger


Screenplay Rolf Elsener
Direction Wendy Pillonel
Cinematography René Schönenberger

Production Design 
Seraina Rudolf
Production Design Assistant Ira Allemann
Maude Vuilleumier
Costumes Assistant Tilla Zwimpfer
Make Up Lilian Eggenberger, Prisca Hofer

Assistant camera Christian Mathis
Chef electrician Roman Brändli
Best boy David Frauenknecht
Licht Felix Niculin

Editing Nicole Hussy
Niel Bieri
Alexandre J. Maurer

Colorgrading Claudia Romondino
Mix Christoph Lüthi
Set Photographer Sava Hlavacek

Executive Producer  Rolf Elsener
Line Producer 
Oliver Bolt
Assistant Director Luisa Ricar
Redaktion Corinne Naef

© SRF 2020

Do Know Where The Fear Comes From

26 April 2020

A visual and sonic journey through my deepest fear of a dehumanized world.

While Swiss band Ogmasun was working on the album Into The Void, they also recorded “Do Know Where The Fear Comes From” that unfolds like a soundscape. They asked Wendy Pillonel to make a music video for this piece.

The director used the soundtrack to make an experimental film inspired by our collective fears. A series of interviews lead each member of the group to talk about their fears. For Wendy, images came up again and again: overconsumption, dehumanisation and destroyed ecosystems. Among others.

Here is the result of this collaboration, magnificent to watch and to listen to. A Pandora’s box that must be opened. Enjoy!

Der Postraub des Jahrhunderts on TV

14 April 2020

Der Postraub des Jahrhunderts” will be broadcasted on

Saturday 25th April 2020 at 20h10 on SRF1.

Action, romance, pyromania, fake weapons and maybe some money… On 1st September 1997, five men robbed the Fraumünster post office in Zürich and stole 53 million Swiss francs. The biggest post robbery of the century

The film will be available also online. For now, enjoy the trailer:


“Les Nouvelles Eves” wins the CH-Doc Migros Award

27 January 2020

Our female collective documentary project “Les Nouvelles Eves” wins the 10th CH-Doc Migros Award. We are proud and thankful.
Let’s shoot!

Wendy Pillonel, Annie Gisler, Liliane Ott (Emilia Productions), Judith Lichtneckert (Emilia Productions), Anna Thommen, Camille Budin, Annette Brütsch (Schnitt).  © obs/Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund Direktion Kultur und Soziales


Der Postraub des Jahrhunderts

29 November 2019

Watch it online here!

On 1st September 1997, five men robbed the Fraumünster post office in Zürich and stole 53 million Swiss francs in 4 minutes, without weapon and without violence. The biggest post robbery of the century.
The film depicts the robbery – from its preparation until the bandits’ escape – and gives the word to the main protagonists of this event that marked Switzerland.

TV-Broadcast on Saturday 25th April 2020 at 20:05 on SRF1

Technical informations

Genre: Docudrama
Year of production: 2020
Length: 99 min
Shooting Format: HD
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Sound: Stereo
Language: Swiss German, German


ELIAS A. Ivan Georgiev
DOMENICO S. Veton Hamza
MARCELLO D. Miro Maurer
HASSAN E. Emmanuel Dorand
ZORAN D. Davide Gallace
DIETER M. Daniel Boner
PATRICIA  Corinne Soland
CHRISTINA C. Nora Osagiobare
KOMMISSAR Jaap Achterberg


Screenplay Rolf Elsener
Direction Wendy Pillonel
Cinematography René Schönenberger
Production Design 
Karin Nyffenegger
Doris Marti
Make Up Erica Büsser
Nicole Hussy
Niel Bieri
Alexandre J. Maurer

Executive Producer  Rolf Elsener
Line Producer 
Oliver Bolt
Redaktion Corinne Naef, Andrea Pfalzgraf

Assistant camera Christian Mathis
Chef electrician Roland Koch
Best boy Roman Brändli

Casting Wendy Pillonel

Colorgrading Robin Wenger
Mix Christoph Lüthi

Set Photographer Pascal Mora

© SRF 2020

Clash – Mythe vs. Rêve

8 September 2019

Clash is a new documentary webseries produced by Stories AG for Swisscom.
8 directors each created an episode in which two strangers have to meet.

In our Clash, Cindy and Yan have to dive in each other’s world…




Our webseries episode is online!

Clash is a new documentary webseries produced by Stories AG for Swisscom. 8 directors each created an episode in which two strangers have to meet.

In our Clash, Cindy and Yan have to dive in each other’s world..



18 August 2019

Last night, Hélia had a dream. What would happen if the sun disappeared forever?


Un projet de recherche

Virtually Real is a research project initiated by the ZHdK in collaboration with the Institute of Psychology of the University of Bern. The aim of the project is to understand whether and how the viewer’s perception differs depending on whether the film space is real or virtual.

To this purpose, two short films were shot twice.
Our short film was first shot in a real space. This space was then scanned with laser scanning and photogrammetry technologies and remodelled in 3D by a technical team. For the second studio shoot, the 3D space was integrated into the green screen and the film was shot identically a second time, in front of virtual sets.

A test audience will be used to better understand our perception of filmic space – real or virtual.
Read more about the research project here: SNSF-Project: Virtually Real (2018-20)


Informations techniques

Genre: Drame
Année de production: 2019
Durée: 7 min
ARRI Alexa Mini
Format d’image: 2:1
Son: Surround 5.1 / Stéréo
Format de projection: DCP / HDCam SR / HDCam / Blu Ray
Langue: suisse-allemand
Sous-titres: français, anglais, allemand


HÉLIA Aimée Aklin
LUCIE Salomé Bertschinger
PAUL Nicolas Rosat



Scénario & réalisation Wendy Pillonel
Directeur de la photographie Ramón Königshausen
Chloé Bourgogne, Talissa Schraner
Delia C. Keller
Montage Gina Calamassi
Design sonore Oscar van Hoogevest
Jakob Eisenbach
Producteur exécutif 
Filippo Bonacci
Directrice de production  
Chantal Witzmann

Assistant de réalisation Saro Vallejo
Second assistant de réalisation Lena Imboden
Script / Continuité Nicole Doppmann

Assistant·e caméra Natascha Vavrina, Lukas Gut
Seconde assistante caméra Ursa Kastellic
Chef électricien Rafael Kistler, Tobias Buchmann
Électriciens Roman Hodel, Samuel Zabato,  Pascal Kohler, Mathieu Werlen, Felix Scherer
Machiniste Kim Allamand

3D Scans & Photogrammetry Valentin Huber, Robin Disch, Simon Pfaff
Set VFX Supervisor Valentin Huber
Set VFX Robin Disch
Live Keying Martin Fröhlich

Assistante décors  Nura Eissa
Castings Wendy Pillonel

Ingénieur·e·s du son Nora Longatti, Barnaby Hall, Jonathan Descombes, Alexandra Andres, Lars Wicki

Régisseur général Chandra Marquart
Runners Konstantin Shishkin, Andrew Hale

Photographe de plateau David Oesch

VFX Valentin Huber & Robin Disch
Colorgrading Ramón Königshausen
Mix Gregg Skerman
Graphisme Katharina Shafiei
Making Of Andreas Birkle, Stefan Dux, Tom Gerber


Claudia Neuenschwander, Michèle Seligmann, Federico Naef, Michela Trümpi, Rudolf Attinger, Benoit Barraud, Corinna Glaus Casting, Kinderagentur Swiss, Valentin Raeber, Kathrin Schweizer, Thomas Toffel, Estelle Bertholet, Filmhaus Basel, Cyrill Gerber, Martin Maillard, Anic & Nic Aklin, Carole Bertschinger, Jasmine Hoch, Yasmin Joerg, Romana Friedli, Dominik Wolfinger, Jessica Helsdon, Juliette & Guy Pillonel, Marina Preisig, Julia Gottet, Silja Senn, Arthur Sobrinho, Lea Niedermann, Haesup Sin, Andreas Scheiner

FTK, Petit Bateau, Reseda – Winterthur, Kybag, Architektur Forum Zürich, Dieci Pizza, Bäckerei Kleiner, Handelgrün


Forschungsprojekt VIRTUALLY REAL

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK
Immersive Arts Space & Institute for the Performing Arts and Film
Projektleitung Prof. Christian Iseli

Universität Bern, Institut für Psychologie
Co-Projekleitung Dr. David Weibel

Tom Gerber, Miriam Loertscher, Wendy Pillonel, Valentin Huber, Martin Fröhlich

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Fachrichtung Film der ZHdK
Leitung Sabine Boss
Technique caméra Andreas Birkle
Technique studio Marco Quandt
Technique matériel Gian Courtin
Technique post-production Yasmin Joerg, Norbert Kottmann

Industriepartner InstaLOD GmbH, Stuttgart und Leica Geosystems, Heerbrug

Mit der Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung


© 2020 Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Helveticae amongst the 3 finalists of the Migros Culture Documentary contest

Our female collective documentary Helveticae is amongst the three finalists of the 10th Migros Culture Documentary Contest. We are thrilled!
The winner will be announced at the Journées de Soleure in January 2020.

Hedy Graber (Leiterin Direktion Kultur und Soziales, Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund), Elise Shubs, Christoph Schreiber, Anna Thommen, Frank Matter, Jela Hasler, Thais Odermatt, Annie Gisler, Wendy Pillonel, Nadine Adler, Judith Lichtneckert, Liliane Ott. Source: “obs/Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund Direktion Kultur und Soziales/Morris Schmid”



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